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Support the education of a Mustang child. Your donation can change the destiny of an entire community.
Donating is very easy, and if you pay taxes in Italy, is tax deductible.
The free donations deductible in favor of non-profit organizations of social utility (ONLUS), are deductible from the tax due, to the extent of 26% on the maximum limit of € 30,000.
The donor can also opt for the deduction of the entire sum of the donation from the income on which he pays taxes, if more convenient than the previous one. There are regulatory provisions on the subject, which delimit the income brackets and deductibility limits.
The payment must obligatorily have the bank traceability of the payment, cash donations with paper receipt are not deductible.
The tax deductibility, for donations in cash or in kind, has instead a limit of 10% of the total declared income (including income from buildings subjected to flat rate coupons) and up to a maximum of 70,000 euros a year;
It is important to remember to keep the receipt
Onlus Account Number
IT25 U010 0503 2390 0000 0001 000
Account name: Associazione Pietro Taricone Onlus
Viale Gorizia 19 00198 Roma
CF 97677400588